Max (852996-1)

Set 852996-1

Set details

Name: Max
Set number: 852996-1
Year: 2010
Theme: LEGO Brand Store
Number of parts: 4
Number of part types: 4
Set average lot price: (based on 28 lot sales)
Set average item price: (based on 154 item sales)
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Value of parts:
Pricing information known of 0/4 parts.
PartColorQuantityAverage priceTotalValue
Missing pricing information on the following items.
PartMinifig Head LEGO Club Max, Eyebrows, White Pupils, Wide Open Smile [Blocked Open Stud]Yellow
PartTorso Orange 'M' Print (LEGO Club Max), Dark Blue Arms, Yellow HandsMedium Blue
PartHair Tousled with Side PartReddish Brown
PartHips and Tan Legs with Cargo Pockets Side PrintTan