Frequently asked questions

Create a Brick Owl account if you do not already have one. Perform the following steps.
  1. Go to your profile page.
  2. Select the "API Keys" tab.
  3. Click on the "Add API Key" button.
  4. Give the key a name.
  5. Ensure that the "Wishlist/Collection View/Edit" permission is enabled (all other permissions can be turned off).
  6. Click the "Create" button.
  7. Copy the API key and paste it in the Brickonomics part buying tool.

You can import other file formats by first importing it in Brick Owl or Rebrickable and subsequently importing it in Brickonomics. We plan on supporting direct imports of other file formats in the future.

Brick Owl supports the following external file tyes:

  • BrickStore BSX (.bsx)
  • BrickStore XML (.xml)
  • LDraw LPD (.ldr)
  • LEGO Digital Designer (.lxf)

Rebrickable supports the following external file tyes. You can also visit the Rebrickable help page.

  • BrickStore XML (.xml)
  • LDraw LDR/MPD (.ldr, .mpd)
  • LEGO Digital Designer (.lxf)
  • BrickSet CSV (.csv)
  • Peeron TSV (.tsv)
  • BrickLink Orders/Inventory (.xml)
  • BrickLink Stud.IO (.io)