Green Arrow (71342-1)

Set 71342-1

Set details

Name: Green Arrow
Set number: 71342-1
Year: 2016
Theme: Dimensions
Number of parts: 7
Number of part types: 7
Set average lot price: (based on 31 lot sales)
Set average item price: (based on 39 item sales)
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Value of parts:
Pricing information known of 0/7 parts.
PartColorQuantityAverage priceTotalValue
Missing pricing information on the following items.
PartFunction Brick Round 4 x 4 x 2/3 with 2 Studs and Green Arrow Logo PrintTrans-Yellow
PartWeapon Bow and Arrow CompoundGreen
PartHips and Dark Green LegsGreen
PartMinifig Neckwear Hood Folded DownDark Green
PartMinifig Head Green Arrow, Dual Sided, Dark Green Eyemask, Stubble Beard, Serious / Clenched Teeth Print [Hollow Stud]Light Nougat
PartHair Short, Tousled with Side PartYellow
PartTorso Armor, Black Striped Vest with Clasps and Lime Lines, Zipper, Belt with Gold Buckle and Muscles Print (Green Arrow), Light Nougat Arms, Green HandsGreen