Gingerbread Man (5005156-1)

Set 5005156-1

Set details

Name: Gingerbread Man
Set number: 5005156-1
Year: 2016
Theme: Christmas
Number of parts: 3
Number of part types: 3
Set average lot price: (based on 32 lot sales)
Set average item price: (based on 104 item sales)
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Value of parts:
Pricing information known of 0/3 parts.
PartColorQuantityAverage priceTotalValue
Missing pricing information on the following items.
PartTorso White Icing and Buttons Print, Dark Orange Arms and Hands with White Icing Stripe PrintDark Orange
PartMinifig Head Special, Gingerbread ManDark Orange
PartHips and Dark Orange Legs with White Icing PrintDark Orange