Radio DJ Robot (5002203-1)

Set 5002203-1

Set details

Name: Radio DJ Robot
Set number: 5002203-1
Year: 2014
Theme: The LEGO Movie
Number of parts: 4
Number of part types: 4
Set average lot price: (based on 10 lot sales)
Set average item price: (based on 12 item sales)
View set on BrickLink BrickLink logo
Value of parts:
Pricing information known of 1/4 parts.
PartColorQuantityAverage priceTotalValue
Image of part Minifig Head Robo SWAT / Radio DJ Robot, Red Eyes, 4 Mouth Squares and Rivets Print [Hollow Stud]Minifig Head Robo SWAT / Radio DJ Robot, Red Eyes, 4 Mouth Squares and Rivets Print [Hollow Stud] BrickLink logoFlat Silver
1 x
Missing pricing information on the following items.
PartTorso Shirt with Red Wings and 2 x 2 Brick Print, Blue Arms, Light Bluish Gray HandsBlue
PartHips and Reddish Brown Legs with Black Belt and Silver Chain PrintReddish Brown
PartHair Short Tousled with Headphones Silver PrintMedium Nougat