Han Solo (Hoth) (5001621-1)

Set 5001621-1

Set details

Name: Han Solo (Hoth)
Set number: 5001621-1
Year: 2013
Theme: Star Wars
Number of parts: 5
Number of part types: 5
Set average lot price: (based on 60 lot sales)
Set average item price: (based on 92 item sales)
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Value of parts:
Pricing information known of 1/5 parts.
PartColorQuantityAverage priceTotalValue
Image of part Hair, SmoothHair, Smooth BrickLink logoReddish Brown
1 x
Missing pricing information on the following items.
PartHood Fur-lined, Short with Dark Brown Hood PrintTan
PartMinifig Head Han Solo, Dual Sided, Orange Snowgoggles / Scared Print [Blocked Open Stud]Light Nougat
PartHips and Light Bluish Gray Legs with Dark Brown Coat with Holster PrintDark Brown
PartTorso Jacket with Pockets, Curved Utility Belt, Tan Scarf Print, Dark Brown Arms, White HandsDark Brown