Hulk (5000022-1)

Set 5000022-1

Set details

Name: Hulk
Set number: 5000022-1
Year: 2012
Theme: Super Heroes Marvel
Number of parts: 4
Number of part types: 4
Set average lot price: (based on 10 lot sales)
Set average item price: (based on 25 item sales)
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Value of parts:
Pricing information known of 0/4 parts.
PartColorQuantityAverage priceTotalValue
Missing pricing information on the following items.
PartTorso Bare Chest with Body Lines Both Sides Print (Hulk), Bright Green Arms and HandsBright Green
PartHair Short TousledBlack
PartHips and Bright Green Legs with Torn Purple Shorts, Black Markings PrintDark Purple
PartMinifig Head Hulk, Dark Green Lines, Raging / Scowl PrintBright Green